Experience the Power. Elevate Your Business with Custom Web Applications.
  • Because fractals are some of my favorite things. And the proper spelling was already taken as a domain. Hence the phunky spelling.

  • In an era where the digital experience can make or break a business, investing in a database-driven website is not just a choice—it's a necessity.

  • By fusing stunning design with data-driven insights, we craft web applications that not only elevate user experience but also drive real business growth.

  • Authentic, distinctive, expert, sincere, powerful, and likeable are the impressions that will likely elevate and enhance your overall corporate reputation.

  • There are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts for working with WordPress. But you really only need to know one.

  • With both Bear and WordPress installed on your iPad or iPhone, you can publish your notes directly from Bear to your WordPress website.

Contact Us

For a discovery meeting.
We are happy to speak with you about your website needs and offer the initial discovery meeting free of charge.